We are reminded of the strength and guidance we have received throughout this journey, as echoed in our Bible verse of the year, Psalms 118:14- “The Lord is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation.” Indeed, this day is a testament to God’s faithfulness and the unwavering support of our Bayshore community.
We extend our deepest thanks to everyone who played a part in making this dream a reality. To our dedicated faculty and staff, whose tireless efforts have ensured a seamless transition to this new campus, we are immensely grateful. To our generous donors and supporters, your contributions have been instrumental in bringing this vision to life. And to our beloved families and students, thank you for your trust and partnership as we continue to grow together in His grace.
As we open the doors to this new chapter, we do so with a sense of purpose and excitement, eager to see how God will continue to work in the lives of our students. The new Logic & Rhetoric Campus stands as a beacon of hope and learning, where young minds will be shaped to think critically, communicate effectively, and serve others with Christ-like love.